Dr. Rohit Mukherjee is the best pulmonologist in Faridabad, He has been dedicated with more than 10 years of experience in the field of Clinical and Interventional Pulmonology and has since then acquired skills after performing more than 2000 procedures such as Bronchoscopy, Cryotherapy for biopsy and tumor debulking, Thoracoscopy assisted biopsy and adhesiolysis, EBUS guided FNAC, Sleep Study for diagnostic and therapeutic titration, Allergen Skin Prick Test, Complete PFT, DLCO, FOT and FENO so on. These advancements help treat the most elusive diseases such as Interstitial Lung Diseases, Bronchogenic Ca, Extra Pulmonary TB, non-resolving pneumonia, Pulmonary Embolism, etc. The goal is to provide care and therapy built on trust. He specializes in difficult-to-treat Asthma, allergies, COPD, ILD, Tuberculosis, Pneumonia, Pleural disorders and many more.
Secured 2nd Place in Poster Presentation in Hypertension Society of INDIA- 2015- Pulmonary Hypertension as the initial presentation of HIV- AIDS
2025 © SSB Heart and Multispecialty Hospital.