The rules are simple: with every right move, you gain an advantage. Similarly, taking care of your heart is a game that requires a plan. The good news is that a heart attack may be prevented with the right steps. Tens of thousands of people even survive heart attacks and go on to kick-start productive and enjoyable lives. However, there is no substitute for preventive heart care.
We have recently seen many patients in their 20s and 30s coming from a heart attack; hence, heart care should begin as early as possible. By evaluating the risks, you can safeguard your heart better. And taking time to know your risk factors is the first step toward taking care of your heart. Here's a list of risk factors that you should consider.
Family history
Family history is a big risk factor for heart attack, especially if your first relative had an attack at a young age (before their 40s). This increases the risk of you getting a heart attack at an early age.
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure increases the stress on the heart and causes the heart muscles to tighten and stiffen. This results in irregular heart function and increases the risk of heart conditions, such as heart attack and heart failure.
Diabetes significantly increases the likelihood of developing heart disease. And if someone doesn't keep blood sugar levels in check, complications increase even more.
High Cholesterol Levels
Higher the level of cholesterol, the higher the chances of experiencing heart attacks. You can form fatty deposits in your blood vessels if you have high cholesterol. Over time, the deposits block your arteries and limit blood flow to the heart or these deposits can occasionally form a clot that can result in a stroke.
Smokers are at a much higher risk than non-smokers of developing heart disease. Also, the toxic fumes of tobacco significantly raise the risk of developing heart attacks. For non-smokers, exposure to smoke increases the risk of developing heart attacks.
Alcohol Abuse
Alcohol abuse leads to high blood pressure and increases the likelihood of developing heart disease, stroke, and other illnesses. It results in irregular heartbeats and the accumulation of fat in arteries. In addition, overdrinking also increases the risk of accidents, obesity, and alcoholism.
Those with extra body fat (particularly around the waist) are more likely to experience heart disease and stroke. Obesity can lead to metabolic disorders like hypertension and diabetes, further increasing the risk for heart attack.
Inactive Lifestyle
An inactive lifestyle increases the risk of heart attacks. Eventually, it leads to obesity, diabetes, and high blood cholesterol. Regular physical activity like 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise daily can lower the risk of heart disease.
A person's reaction to stress may cause a heart attack. According to some studies, high-stress levels may significantly increase heart disease risk. In many cases, it may tempt people to binge eat or push them into alcohol abuse.
After evaluating the above risks, you can step up your game by planning ahead. The wisest choice is to make sure you work out frequently and eat a nutritious diet. This keeps your heart healthy. Consuming fresh veggies, fruits, whole grains, and pulses can help lower your chance of having a heart attack. Avoiding harmful fats like trans fats and saturated fats is also very important. Making lifestyle changes like avoiding smoking and alcohol can help reduce the risk of having a heart attack.
However, if you're still at high risk, talk to your doctor about other steps to help protect your heart, like controlling blood pressure and blood sugar. It is important for patients at high risk to get regular health checkups and take their medicines without fail. The sooner you get treatment, the better your chances of recovery, as the 1st one hour is a golden period. So don't delay, and if you think you might be having a heart attack, call for help right away. Till then, you can chew an aspirin if you have one available. If the pain persists, breathe deeply and stay calm until the ambulance arrives.
SSB heart and the multispecialty hospital have an experienced team of doctors available 24x7 to deal with heart attacks and all its complications.
For any assistance and consultation, you can reach us at
To book an appointment, contact us at +91-9540 114 114.
2025 © SSB Heart and Multispecialty Hospital.