10 Facts About Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – Management August 30, 2021

10 Facts About Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) – Management

Sleep apnea is a serious sleep problem that happens when a person's breathing is obstructed while sleeping. People experiencing sleep apnea experience unregulated breathing that can end up being lethal if not treated on time. This happens when the brain and other body parts don't get sufficient oxygen. The principal thing an individual ought to do if encountering trouble in breathing while sleeping is to see a Pulmonologist.

OSA Can be fatal

Sleep apnea may result in dangerous conditions if left untreated. Some of the major complications can be an irregular heartbeat, stroke, heart failure, blood pressure, diabetes, and heart attack.


Loud snoring, followed by choking and gasping sounds is the most noticeable sign of sleep apnea, which led to mood swings, morning headaches, and trouble concentrating.

OSA May result in weight gain

Sleep apnea can make an individual put on weight as they, in general, eat to remain awake. This prompts weight gain and increases the risk of heart attack, diabetes, or metabolic syndrome.

OSA is mostly Undiagnosed

OSA is generally an under-diagnosed disorder because a number of people believe that falling asleep immediately signifies good sleep. However, it could be a symptom of sleep apnea.

OSA Induces Fatigue

The reason why sleep apnea is often left undiagnosed is that it has wide symptoms. Apart from sleep disruptions an individual starts feeling dizziness or tiredness during walking and may feel tiring the whole time.

OSA can be diagnosed at sleep labs

OSA can be diagnosed at sleep labs by sleep test in which sleep study looks into the statistics of breathing, chest movements, and heart rates, etc.

OSA may be common in children as well

Sleep Apnea may capture 1 out of every 10 children but most of them may outgrow it, in other cases child may grow behavioral issues within them.

Treatment Options for OSA

 Wearing CPAC (Continuous positive airflow pressure mask) is the most appropriate way of getting treatment for people with moderate to severe sleep apnea.

Changes in lifestyle may help in Improvement

People suffering from OSA may take a good sleep, healthy diet, quit smoking, quit alcohol, cut off-screen time before going to bed, keep bedroom temperature idle, reserve bedroom for taking sleep only, put off all the lights before going to sleep.

Changing sleeping Positions

 In few patients who have gentle OSA symptoms, breathing breaks just when they sleep on their backs. In such cases, using a wedge pillow or different gadgets that assist them with sleeping in a side position might help.

At SSB HEART AND MULTISPECIALITY HOSPITAL, we have a highly skilled team of surgeons that treat every disease related to sleep.

Note- Consult an orthopedist by taking appointment +91 9810325789.

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